Required fields are BOLD

Secure form by
I intend to compete in the following category (subject to pre-judging) See the Categories page for more detail.
Please click on one class.
Moustache Partial Beard Full Beard
Our club will be providing transportation on the day of the competition for those visiting from other areas. If you would like to use this service, from the ferry (11:00 AM arrival) or local hotels, please give us the location where you would like to be picked up.
Hotel pick-up times to be arranged.
How many supporters (non-competitors) do you expect to accompany you to the championship? The fee for spectators is $10.00 to be paid on arrival.

Please enter "0" if you do not expect anyone.

The registration fee is $40.00.
I choose to pay by:
made payable to "Whisker Club"
Please send all checks to Whisker Club, PO Box 2562, Bremerton, Wa. 98310 to arrive no later than July 1